Synod Discernment Day

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

1545 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA 22101

Saturday, March 22, 22025



Presented by the Metro D.C. Synod Bishop Election/Transition Team

The Bishop Election/Transition Team is inviting all synod lay and rostered members to a Synod Discernment Day in advance of the bishop election that will be happening at the Synod Assembly June 6-7. At this event the team will be providing information on the bishop transition survey results, how the process will work, and what voting members need to understand about our synod in determining the next bishop. The Team has invited Rev. Cheryl Peterson to speak about the qualities of being a bishop and the discernment process. 

The event will be presented hybrid - both in person and online through zoom to accommodate as much participation as possible. The event will also be recorded to be shared later for those who cannot attend. Rostered Ministers of Word and Sacrament outside the synod are also welcome to attend to learn more about the synod and the process with the possibility of being nominated.


Meet Our Guest Speaker

Rev. Dr. Cheryl M. Peterson is Academic Dean at Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, IA. See her full biography here:


Draft Schedule

1:00 PM Check-in
1:30 PM Welcome - Setting the Tone and Expectations for the Day
2:00 PM Remarks from Rev. Cheryl Peterson
3:00 PM Survey Results
3:15 PM Conference Breakouts
4:00 PM Break
4:15 PM Large Group Conversation of Breakouts
5:00 PM Other Details we want to share
5:25 Prayer and Farewell


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 240 863 0251
Passcode: 4005