The New and Renewing Mission Table (NRMT) and Metro D.C. Synod Youth+Family (Y+F) Committee are partnering to provide grants for congregations to create events for their youth to gather together. We know the difficulty of engaging youth today due to having small numbers of youth in the congregation, lack of congregational youth coordinators, and decreased funds to create fun activities. We want to help. We will provide grants to congregations that pair with at least one other congregation to create a youth event. This can be for any age range. It can be inside the building or out in the community. It can be for an hour or a week. We just want to support your ideas and help you find a way to have more engagement. The initial grant is for $100 to start a conversation with a congregation, two, or more. A second grant for up to $1000 can then be requested to further the relationship and ideas that come from your time together.
There will be 2 phases to this grant process:
Phase 1 - Brainstorming What's the big idea? Is there a congregation close by that you'd like to begin a conversation with and see if there could be an idea the spirit is stirring? NRMT/Y+F will be offering grants with a max of $100 for phase 1. Applications for Phase 1 will be accepted through July 1, 2025.
Phase 2 - Partnership Are you ready to put the big idea into play? Great! The NRMT/Y+F will be opening up Phase 2 of the Partnership grants as soon as your Brainstorming ideas are ready to blossom into a partnership!
Need some help figuring this out. Check out this guide!
Applications to the NRMT/Y+F for partnership grant financial support should include the following:
If you have any questions, please contact Youth+Family Committee Coordinator, Katharyn Wheeler