Hearings on the Draft Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith 

This hearing is a special opportunity to respond to the text of the draft statement and to hear the perspectives of others, as well. Pr. Lamar Bailey, who is a member of the ELCA Task Force on Civic Life and Faith will be present for the discussion. NOTE: Prior reading of the draft statement is expected of all participants. 

We have three hearings happening in the Metro D.C. Synod. Two options are available to sign-up.

  • Saturday, June 1st - Synod Assembly - already filled
  • Wednedsay, June 19th 7pm- Christ Lutheran Church, Washington, D.C. (5101 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20011)
  • Thursday, August 15th 7pm - Zion Lutheran Church (7410 New Hampshire Ave Ste. 100, Takoma Park, MD 20912)

Learn more about the process the ELCA has a page dedicated to the statement development here: https://www.elca.org/Faith/Faith-and-Society/Current-Social-Writing-Projects/Civic-Life-and-Faith.